Monday, May 6, 2019

The Psychopath Bathroom Killer

A girl named Angela had a slumber party with five other girls. Her parents went out for a couple of hours so the girls decided to go hang out at a nearby park. It was closed for the night but they were still able to get in. When they got there, they ran around on the grass and played on the playground. Then the 16 year olds decided to gather by the slide and tell ghost stories and supposedly urban legends.

Angela's good friend Farrah decided to tell an urban legend instead of a ghost story.

"Guys, I have something that will scare you. Scott told it to me last week and freaked me out. He said it was a true story."

"True my ass," Angela said. "That boyfriend of yours would say anything to freak you out."

"Yes but it still scared me so I would like to share it with you guys."

"Go ahead and scare us." said Angela.

"A long time ago, there was this girl named Jade. Everyone teased her because she was so weird. She would talk and sing to herself, say really creepy things and out of nowhere, she would become violent.

One day when Jade was about 18 years old, she went to a park dressed in what looked like an over-sized little girl's furly dress, pigtails, furly socks and black shinny shoes. She was talking and singing in a little girls voice. 

This group of teenagers sat around laughing at her. Then they went up to her and started teasing her and calling her names. A couple of them dragged her to the nearest porta potty, shoved her in there and tortured her.

They held her face in the toilet, forced her to sit on it while they continued to abuse her. One boy even peed on her. Then they locked her inside by holding the door shut.

Jade kept screaming and banging, trying to get out. A couple of other teens went around the sides and started banging on the walls and making scratching noises. After about a half and hour of torture, they opened the door and asked if she's had enough or if she wanted more.

Jade managed to push her way out and stood there screaming at them. The teens just pointed and laughed at her then started throwing toilet paper at her. 

Jade finally lost it and viciously attacked one of the teens. The others tried to help but she was so crazy that no one could get close to her. One of the teens called the cops.

The cops came and arrested Jade. As they did this, she was laughing and yelling how she was going to go after them and pay for what they did. The teens acted like they didn't know what she was talking about and told them some lie how she just started acting crazy then attacked them. The one teen that was assaulted by Jade went into the hospital with scratches, bruises and broken nose and ribs. Jade ended up in a mental hospital and diagnosed as some kind of psychotic psychopath.

About a year later when the hospital was closing down, she some how escaped. They say that now she goes around stalking people in bathrooms while singing her song and killing people to try get back at what happened to her. They say that she even cut a wide smile into her own face because she enjoys killing people so much."

"If Jade was so crazy, why didn't her parents put her in the hospital before?" asked a girl named Cynthia.

"Apparently her parents were just as crazy and abused her horribly. They just went unnoticed since most of the time they kept to themselves."

"You know, I think I heard about this on the news. They found a couple butchered in some bathroom a few weeks ago." said Holly.

They all just looked at her like "yeah right".

"Well it's true. My parents were watching the news and right when I walked in the room is when they started talking about it." Holly added.

"Well okay then. There is no way that is true. I am going to head to the bathroom now" Angela said.

"Why can't you wait till' we get back to your house?" asked Farrah

"Because I need to go now. I'll be fine. It's just a story made up to scare people."

Angela walked over to the porta potty that was kinda hidden from her friends. There was only one light above it but it was dim. She was more afraid of what she would find in the nasty toilet than some girl named Jade coming after her.

When she opened he door, she used the light on her phone to see inside. Thank God it looked clean. As she was sitting there using it, she thought she heard someone walking around. She figured it was her mind playing tricks on her.

When she was done using it, she sat there for a minute when she now heard scrapping along the outside walls of the potty. Then there was laughter and singing.

"Lalala lala la....."

"Guys, that's not funny. You're not scaring me so you can just stop it."

The laughing continued and now the porta potty started shaking.

"Hey, knock it off! Very funny; haha!"

When she tried to open the door, it wouldn't open. Something or someone was blocking it.

"This is going too far! Now let me out!"

Angela banged and wiggled the door but nothing happened. She didn't like what her friends were doing to her. The girl on the other side started mocking her.

Angela started crying and continued to try and get out. Just then the door flies open. Angela was shocked what stood in front of her. There she was, a girl in pigtails, a furly dress and socks, shinny shoes and her face.....her face was the creepiest. It was all dirty and  smile was cut into her face just like in Farrah's story. The girl had this crazy scary look.

"Your turn bitch" Jade said.

Jade pushed her way into the potty and locked the door behind her. She began to cut into Angela while she laughed and sang her song.

Back at the playground:

"I wonder if Angela is okay" said Brandy.

"I'm sure she is. She is probably hiding somewhere ready to scare us." Farrah said.

Just then they heard a muffled scream.

Very funny Angela! You can just come out now!" shouted Farrah.

"I don't feel right. I think we should go check on her" said Brandy.

"Please. We don't need to give in to her joke." Farrah said

"No really. Even if she is joking, we should make sure. There are crazy people out there." stated Brandy.

"I agree." said Janet.

"Fine. We will go and give in to her stupid joke." Farrah said.

They went to check on their friend. When they got to the porta potty, there they saw, Angela sprawled out with a smile cut into her face and dead. Written in blood on the walls were: "you're all next!"

They all screamed and called the cops. After that, their lives were never the same. They never knew if and when Jade was going to come for them. A few nights after the horrific night, Farrah thought she saw a figure outside her bedroom window staring at her. She knew then that Jade was stalking her, waiting, waiting to find the right time to get her too. 

Pumpkin The Lucky Kitten

There was a six month old kitten that was black with tan spots. One day a little boy found the kitten and asked his parents if he could kee...