Tuesday, November 20, 2018

The Monkey Trader part 2

Before Charlie started talking, he wanted to make sure that he would be protected. The pink monkeys told him that he has nothing to worry about and will be completely protected from the others.

Charlie told the pink monkeys that Bruno, a green monkey, was really upset at something and was pacing back and forth. Charlie and some other purple monkeys were wondering what was wrong with Bruno. The purple monkeys went up to Bruno and asked him what was wrong.

Bruno at first was rude and refused to say anything since this group of purple monkeys liked to cause trouble. After some thought, Bruno decided he was going to tell the monkeys and make them a part of his plan to get back at the other monkeys. Bruno tells the purple monkeys to meet him at a cabin in the woods by 8pm and to bring more purple monkeys but ONLY purple monkeys.

  At 8pm the purple monkeys gathered at the cabin wondering what was up. A few mins after 8pm, Bruno showed and gathered everyone up. He began to tell them how he thought the other monkeys were stupid and a little to controlling. There was a transporter that the monkeys wanted to keep under wraps. Bruno wanted to release it to the public and have it be used for traveling to other places quicker. The monkeys thought it would be to dangerous and it could fall into the wrong hands.

Bruno for days tried to get them to change their minds but it wouldn't work. Bruno was so pissed and wanted to show them that they were being stupid and asked for the purple monkeys for help. That is when a week later after the meeting, Bruno presented the purple monkeys with the transporter. He showed them how it worked and told them to experiment with it and have fun but be careful to not get caught.

That is when a group of the purple monkeys (the worst out of the bunch) were playing with it and accidentally discovered earth. They decided to check it out and have fun with it. Charlie stated that he didn't want to cause problems with earth people but wanted to check things out. That is when he got caught up in all the mess. The pink monkeys had Charlie write his statement, said thank you and told him they will make sure he gets a lighter sentence for his honesty and for not being on of them that caused a lot of trouble.

The pink monkeys made sure Charlie was put in a safer cell. The pink monkeys told the blue monkeys what happened. The top pink monkey Charlotte and the top blue monkey Rick went to Bruno's house to arrest him. Bruno was acting like he didn't know what was going on.

They took Bruno into an interrogation room and started questioning him. At first Bruno would deny everything. After hours of questions and arguing, Bruno finally cracked and confessed.

They cuffed Bruno and took him to his cell. As they were walking Bruno to his cell, he was getting his last words in: "You guys are so lame! You can not hold me responsible for the chaos the purple monkeys caused! My charges will never stick! I will be out and show everyone just how stupid and controlling you all are!" The yellow monkeys just ignored him and locked him up.

The trial came for the purple monkeys that were involved in the chaos on earth. Since Charlie confessed and gave them Bruno, he only got two months. The other monkeys were charged with: solicitation of a criminal act, felony assault with a deadly weapon (when they were throwing rocks at me the first time), conspiracy to commit a felony (both times), engaging in a riot, witness intimidation (river - me), felony murder (when I had to through the monkeys in the river and they drowned) and they got life in prison. Bruno was charged with theft of government property, facilitated of a criminal act and sentenced to life in prison and a psych evaluation.

It looks like now things are under control and back to "normal" on planet Pudge. After a little more than a month goes by, the monkeys of planet Pudge see something in the sky.It was a bright fast moving light "crashing" on their planet. Charlotte and Rick go over to check it out and find a red monkey. Charlotte and Rick both look at each other as in to say "what the hell?"

Part 1 Click Here

*NOTE Unfortunately I got really stuck making the next story and never finished it. Hopefully someday soon I can get back to it and get it written out.

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