Saturday, September 22, 2018

The Lonely Chick

There was a chick named Cotton. She had this name because of how different she was from the rest of the chicks. You see, Cotton was a pure bright white instead of yellow. Cotton had two brothers and one sister. They all teased cotton because she was so different.

"You don't belong with us" said brother Harry.
"We don't want to be seen with you" said brother Poofy
"Yeah, go play somewhere else" said sister Roxy.

Cotton's mom would tell her not to listen to them but she still felt alone.
One day she tried to make some friends. The other chicks would just look at her and walk away. This happened for a few days. Little did she know, she would soon have some good luck. When she walked around again, she saw something pink. It was another chick!

This pink chick also had other chicks teasing her. When they saw each other, they knew they would be best friends since they both were very different.
The two chicks walked up to each other and started talking. 

"Hi", Cotton said, "What is your name?"
"My name is Peep."
"My name is Cotton, do you want to be friends?"
"Sure", Peep said.

Everywhere they went, the other chicks would stare at them. The other chicks would also point, laugh and call them names. Cotton and Peep didn't mind. They now had each other and that is all that mattered.
As they grew up, the other chicks didn't laugh as much. Cotton's siblings even started to accept her. Soon Cotton and Peep made more friends. When Cotton became an adult, she became darker. As peep became an adult, she became lighter and didn't stand out as much. Both Cotton and Peep remained friends forever and lived a very happy life.

                            The End

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