Tuesday, June 11, 2019

A Nightmare In One Week Chapter 3

At around 10:00 pm, Darlene started reading her second book. She got pretty far into it, about half way through, when she started to dose off. The words started to get blurry and mushed together. She jolted awake to a tapping noise at the back door. She closed her book and just sat there listening. She shrugged it off thinking it was just her imagination.

Darlene decided to head off to bed. When she stopped in the kitchen to get a glass of water, she felt like she was being watched. She turned to look out the backdoor window when she could have sworn she saw a black figure disappear into the night. It had red glowing eyes. Or did it? Was it even really there? It did look like the figure from before. She must be more tired than she thought.

Darlene had a hard time falling asleep. She thought she kept hearing noises of footsteps, knocking and scraping noises coming from outside just below her window. She was to scared to look outside. Eventually she was so tired that even the creepy noises couldn't keep her awake.

The next day she was still a little shaken from last night. Darlene managed to get through the day by cleaning, exercising and reading the rest of her book. She even chatted on-line with some friends. She didn't bring up the creepy things that were going on because she didn't want to sound crazy. Plus she didn't even know if everything was just all in her head.  

After her dinner, she cleaned up and curled up on the couch to watch a movie on HBO. Half way into the movie, she heard what sounded like claws scraping along the house. Oh no, not again she thought. It had to be the wind or wild animals. Yeah that's it, wild animals.

This went on for the rest of the movie. It would stop then start again. She did her best to ignore it until it was time for bed. When she went to the bathroom, the window started to rattle. Now that had to be the wind but it still scared her shitless. She ran upstairs to her room and curled up under the blankets.

This time Darlene kept the bedroom light on because being in the dark was too much for her. Just when things seemed to be calmed down, from below her window, she heard hissing noises. Not like a snake but more like from an animal. What the hell is going on? Then came more of the claws against the house and now deep growling. No matter what she told herself, she knew something weird was going on.

Eventually everything stopped and she was able to fall asleep but it was a restless sleep. The next day, she was so tired from the lack of sleep she was getting. She was now on edge and jumped at every noise even during the day.

She went into the backyard and stared at the woods. That's when everything started, when she went in them. She figured someone was out there messing with her. It gave her the chills because she didn't know how far this person would go or what they were capable of.

The rest of the day she was restless and was was worse when night came. Each night was getting worse and she just wanted it to stop. Darlene knew the police wouldn't come unless they were really needed since it would take them at least ten minutes to get there. Luckily there was only two nights left before Hedley came home.

Darlene grabbed the biggest knife she could find in the kitchen and took it wherever she went. Everything seemed okay, except for her nerves, until around midnight. There was knocking on the front door but when she looked outside, nobody was there. Tapping and nails being dragged on the window was making her cringe with fear. Then it sounded like someone or something was on the roof of the house, trying to claw their way through.

At one point it even sounded like it was in the walls or at least outside along the walls. She peaked outside and thought she saw the back of a creature. It looked to be dark gray, skinny and bony. The fingers were like claws, thin strands of hair coming from the head and pointy ears. What the hell was she looking at; was she seeing things? Before it turned the corner, it looked back at her with a big creepy grin. It had really sharp teeth, a long face and big red eyes. Darlene quickly stepped back, terrified at what she just saw.

Darlene sat on her bed with her knees up to her chest, rocking back and forth trying to loose the image in her head. The creature crawled it's way up to her window and started scraping and tapping. It hissed out the words "I seeee you".

Finally it jumped down in the backyard and ran into the woods. She knew she had to get out of there but there was still one night left. If she could just get through it, she will never have to go back to that place again. Just then, in the distance, she thought she heard a blood curdling scream coming from the woods. After several minutes, everything was quiet again. She didn't fall asleep until the sun started to come up.

Chapter 1Click Here

Chapter 2Click Here

Chapter 4Click Here

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