Tuesday, June 11, 2019

A Nightmare In One Week Chapter 4

It was Darlene's last full day at the hell house. She spent it sleeping off and on and making sure all her stuff was together. She wanted to be out of there as fast as possible. She also cleaned everything to make sure things were prefect.

As night started to come, Darlene started to get nervous again. After dinner and cleaning up the kitchen, she talked to one of her friends for awhile. By the time she got off the phone, it was 11:30 pm. Maybe nothing will happen since everything has been quiet. She decided to sleep on the couch. She kept the light on, curled up and started to fall asleep.

Darlene was now in a very light sleep when the lighs started to flicker then finally shut off. This made her wake up, sit straight up and grabbed the knife she still carried with her. She then started to hear the familiar sounds from the previous nights. She noticed a silhouette of the creature right out the window. It started to rattle the window then it did a creepy laugh.

Darlene sat there frozen in terror. The creature disappeared from the window and tried to open the front door but it was locked. It started scratching frantically and banging on the door.

"You can't hide in there for long" it hissed.

Darlene didn't respond but she started crying hysterically. She had no idea if there was a flashlight or where one might be. He continued to torture her by going around outside the house making noises. Sometimes things would go quiet for awhile only to have them start again with the shaking and banging on the windows and doors making her jump and cry even more.

When things went quiet again, she couldn't remember if she locked the back door earlier. Shit! Darlene made her way though the dark to the back door and saw that it was wide open!

She ran back into the front -room, grabbed her keys from the coffee table and ran out the door to her car. Darlene had to get out of there. In the morning she would return to meet the guy and get her stuff.

After fumbling with her keys, Darlene finally got into her car and tried o start it. Her fear came true when the car wouldn't start. It didn't even make a noise. "oh no, this can't be happening." She knew the car was in good shape and couldn't understand why it was dead. No matter how often she turned the key, it just wouldn't start.

"Dammit!" She got out of the car and looked under the hood and that's when she saw the cords and tubes were sliced everywhere. She was now in complete fear for her life.

She couldn't run into the woods because that would be more unsafe than the house. Staying inside the car wasn't a choice either because she would be completely trapped. She couldn't stay outside either because there was nowhere to go or nothing to help protect herself. The only option Darlene felt she had was to go back inside the house.

She ran back in the dark house and picked up the knife. She wish she knew if the guy had an axe or something. She didn't feel safe looking for one because the creature could easily sneak up on her while she tried looking in the shed. She could do damage with the knife, it just would take longer.

As she heard the floor above her creek, she hid in the closet locking it. Darlene hoped that the creature would just go away if it didn't see her. She decided to call the cops. After all, they had guns. Now if she just could stay hidden until they got there.

Darlene told the dispatcher there was an armed intruder, that she was in the closet hiding, the address and that the lights weren't working. The guy told her it woud take them anywhere between 10-15 minutes and to try and hang on. She didn't like waiting that long but she understood.

The dispatcher stayed with her on the phone to try and keep her cal and to relay information to the cops when needed. The thing started to go down the stairs looking for his prey. It made some kind of howl noise as it was looking for her. Darlene started crying silently and covered her mouth.

The creature was now standing in front of the closet. She could hear it sniffing for her scent. Darlene gasped and held her breath. She knew this wasn't good.

"I can smell yooooou and you smell taaassty" it hissed with a laugh.

It turned abruptly towards the closet door and started banging and clawing at it. Darlene now started screaming. This terrified the dispatcher. He tried to find out what was going on but had no clue. He told the cops what he was hearing. This stressed the cops out because they could go only so fast. Even going top speed wouldn't get them there fast enough. They felt helpless and was frustrated that the house was so far away.

It was a struggle but the creature managed to break open the door. There stood the seven foot monster right before her eyes. The claws, teeth and red eyes looked even more menacing up close. Darlene let out a blood curdling scream and tried to run past it.

Darlene almost made it past him but the monster whipped around, grabbed her, pulled her down to the floor and dragged her away fro the front door. She dropped the phone with the guy yelling at the other end trying to ask if she was okay. She did mange to grab the knife, stab the creature a few times and kicked him off of her.

Darlene tried to fight by going after him to stab him some more. She wanted to kill it or seriously injure it, mostly kill it. It was working or so she thought. She got him pretty good a few times. Unfortunately she couldn't get him in the important areas, he was putting up a good fight. It pretended to be unconscious as she headed for the front door. Just as she was about to run out of the house , the creature jumped up, pulled her face first onto the floor and dragged her again. She lost her knife in the battle.

Darlene screamed for her life as the monster ripped into her, slamming her head several times on the floor and biting her. The cops got there,  found the victim sprawled on the floor and torn to shreds with parts of her eaten. It was the most horrific thing the cops ever seen in their life.

The next day when Hedley came home, he found out what happened. He had to stay away from his home while the detectives did their investigation. The town had mixed emotions about what happened. Some thought it was a demon and some thought it was Hedley himself. Others figured it was just a wild animal that accidentally got in the house. 

A few days after the detectives were done and a hazmat team cleaned up the place, Hedley returned to his home. He stood there in his front-room shocked and just shook his head. He took a couple of newspaper clippings from his coat pocket, one about Darlene and another about another girl that was found in the woods torn up and went up to the locked room.

As he stepped in th secret room and turned on the light, he looked at all the other newspaper clippings of other people that were found torn up in the woods. He had pinned them all over the walls. He added the other two to his collection while taking a deep breath.

"They never listen. I warned her. Others are warned about the woods. They just don't listen."

He turned off the light and walked out locking the door behind him. That night the creature in the woods howled. Hedley was safe for now. After all, he made a pact with the creature. They each lived in their own space and once in awhile Hedley let the creature feed on bad people or ones he hated and other animals, sometimes leading people into the woods to feed the creature. He knew someday the monster would come for him. But until then, in some sick way, they looked out for each other and needed each other. He hated when nice people got caught b the creature but there was nothing he could do if he wanted to keep his own life. So in some way, some of the towns people were right, it was Hedley who killed those innocent people.

Chapter 1Click Here

Chapter 2Click Here

Chapter 3Click Here

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