Tuesday, November 20, 2018

The Monkey Trader part 2

Before Charlie started talking, he wanted to make sure that he would be protected. The pink monkeys told him that he has nothing to worry about and will be completely protected from the others.

Charlie told the pink monkeys that Bruno, a green monkey, was really upset at something and was pacing back and forth. Charlie and some other purple monkeys were wondering what was wrong with Bruno. The purple monkeys went up to Bruno and asked him what was wrong.

Bruno at first was rude and refused to say anything since this group of purple monkeys liked to cause trouble. After some thought, Bruno decided he was going to tell the monkeys and make them a part of his plan to get back at the other monkeys. Bruno tells the purple monkeys to meet him at a cabin in the woods by 8pm and to bring more purple monkeys but ONLY purple monkeys.

  At 8pm the purple monkeys gathered at the cabin wondering what was up. A few mins after 8pm, Bruno showed and gathered everyone up. He began to tell them how he thought the other monkeys were stupid and a little to controlling. There was a transporter that the monkeys wanted to keep under wraps. Bruno wanted to release it to the public and have it be used for traveling to other places quicker. The monkeys thought it would be to dangerous and it could fall into the wrong hands.

Bruno for days tried to get them to change their minds but it wouldn't work. Bruno was so pissed and wanted to show them that they were being stupid and asked for the purple monkeys for help. That is when a week later after the meeting, Bruno presented the purple monkeys with the transporter. He showed them how it worked and told them to experiment with it and have fun but be careful to not get caught.

That is when a group of the purple monkeys (the worst out of the bunch) were playing with it and accidentally discovered earth. They decided to check it out and have fun with it. Charlie stated that he didn't want to cause problems with earth people but wanted to check things out. That is when he got caught up in all the mess. The pink monkeys had Charlie write his statement, said thank you and told him they will make sure he gets a lighter sentence for his honesty and for not being on of them that caused a lot of trouble.

The pink monkeys made sure Charlie was put in a safer cell. The pink monkeys told the blue monkeys what happened. The top pink monkey Charlotte and the top blue monkey Rick went to Bruno's house to arrest him. Bruno was acting like he didn't know what was going on.

They took Bruno into an interrogation room and started questioning him. At first Bruno would deny everything. After hours of questions and arguing, Bruno finally cracked and confessed.

They cuffed Bruno and took him to his cell. As they were walking Bruno to his cell, he was getting his last words in: "You guys are so lame! You can not hold me responsible for the chaos the purple monkeys caused! My charges will never stick! I will be out and show everyone just how stupid and controlling you all are!" The yellow monkeys just ignored him and locked him up.

The trial came for the purple monkeys that were involved in the chaos on earth. Since Charlie confessed and gave them Bruno, he only got two months. The other monkeys were charged with: solicitation of a criminal act, felony assault with a deadly weapon (when they were throwing rocks at me the first time), conspiracy to commit a felony (both times), engaging in a riot, witness intimidation (river - me), felony murder (when I had to through the monkeys in the river and they drowned) and they got life in prison. Bruno was charged with theft of government property, facilitated of a criminal act and sentenced to life in prison and a psych evaluation.

It looks like now things are under control and back to "normal" on planet Pudge. After a little more than a month goes by, the monkeys of planet Pudge see something in the sky.It was a bright fast moving light "crashing" on their planet. Charlotte and Rick go over to check it out and find a red monkey. Charlotte and Rick both look at each other as in to say "what the hell?"

Part 1 Click Here

*NOTE Unfortunately I got really stuck making the next story and never finished it. Hopefully someday soon I can get back to it and get it written out.

The Monkey Trader Part 1

All is well on earth (for the most part any ways) since the evil purple monkeys have been captured and returned to their planet Pudge. The blue and pink monkeys now have to work hard to find out who the trader is. The green monkeys are trying to keep things in order while the yellow ones are trying to keep the monkey jail under control.

The blue and pink monkeys have been keeping their ears to the ground and have found out that the trader one is one of the green monkeys. Now all they have to do is find out which green monkey and throw him in jail.

A few pink monkeys went around asking the green monkeys intense questions seeing if anybody knew or heard anything about who the trader might be, of course nobody knew a thing. Next they went into the monkey jail to ask the purple monkeys intense questions.

They were not having any luck until they reached the last cell. Once again the monkeys were not talking. There was one purple monkey that was skittish like he wanted to talk but was afraid to. The two pink monkeys that were asking the questions noticed this and made a note of it. Once the two pink monkeys walked away, the purple monkeys noticed he was skittish. They corned Charlie the skittish monkey.

"Um, what's wrong guys?" asked Charlie gulping.

"You act like you want to tell them who the trader is." said one of the purple monkeys.

"No, why would I do that?" asked Charlie.

"Well, you better not tell anyone. We need to stick together in this and protect one another." said another purple monkey.

From across the cell, a purple monkey ask what is going on. He is told that Charlie is acting like he wants to crack. The monkeys in the cell start to get paranoid about Charlie. The purple monkeys start to make a bunch ofintimidating noises to try and scare Charlie.

The purple monkeys started to cause a bunch of chaos. They were screaming (the monkey noises they make), crawling/hanging all over the bars, just going crazy. The purple monkeys that were in the same cell as Charlie were not do these things but they were cheering on the others that were.

The few cells that were around Charlie started to really get out of control. They flooded the cells, tore apart the bedding, throwing poo, started small fires, breaking things and throwing blankets and toilet paper.

All of this was scaring Charlie but not to the point where he wouldn't turn in the trader if he chose to. The other purple monkeys in the other cells (not surrounding Charlie) were also getting scared of the ones that were causing the chaos.

A bunch of yellow monkeys came running in the day hall in riot gear (hehe cute). The yellow monkeys started to get control of the crazy cells by spraying pepper spray. One of the purple monkeys started yelling in pain. The yellow monkeys took the bad monkeys and moved them into another cell until things calmed down and the cells were cleaned up.

A few hours went by and the yellow monkeys finally had things under control. When they found out why the purple monkeys were acting up, they took Charlie out for his own safety. Now that Charlie was alone, he wasn't scared to speak out about what he knew.

He told one of the guards he was ready to talk. The guard got a hold of the pink monkeys to tell them and in about an hour, a couple of the pink monkeys came by to talk to charlie. They took him to a private room where everyone could be more comfortable.

End of part 1

Part 2 Click Here

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Evil Purple Monkeys #2

It has been another one of those crazy days. It has been two months since I was attacked by the evil purple monkeys. It has taken me awhile to be able to go outside and not be afraid of being attacked by the monkeys. Once I've thought about it, I realized that now I am aware of the purple monkey gang, I can handle them a lot better and attack them before they attack me.
I have been wanting to check out this one trail that runs next to a river and since it was a gorgeous day out, I decided to go. I was so enjoying my nice walk listening to my favorite music (we are smug, Darren, NKOTB, Janet etc) when I thought I saw something purple poking out from behind the trees and bushes.
Oh shit, did I just see a purple monkey or am I just seeing things? I so hope I am seeing things because I really don't want to be attacked again. This time I am prepared.

After a few more steps, an evil purple monkey popped out. I was ready for him this time. He was pissed about what happened last time, blamed me and was ready to take revenge. I just stood there and looked at him like he was stupid. I then picked up the little shit head.
He then started to yell: "hey, what the hell are you doing? You can't do this to me! Put me down!"

I looked at him and said: "Look you little shit, last time you threw rocks at me and bit me. This time you just pissed me off by interrupting my walk. I am not scared of you any more and I'm ready to fight back. Can you swim?"
"What?" said the purple monkey.

Then I said, "This is for the last time and trying to come at me again" and tossed him in the river. The little bastard drowned. Mean I know but I was defending myself. Wouldn't you do the same? I do feel kind of bad that I had to do that though. I have to say that seeing him fly through the air doing a monkey scream was kinda funny. Sick I know.
I think now I regret doing that. A few min. later, a bunch of the little purple bastards came out of nowhere. Crap. First I had one purple monkey pissed at me, now I have a bunch of them pissed at me.

"Who the hell do you think you are throwing our buddy into the river?" said one purple monkey.

"Well let's see, I started, "he came at me and was threatening me so I did what I had to do to protect myself. Sorry."

"It's pay back time. We are better than ever and this time we will win." said another.

"Well considering you all sucked last time, I'm sure this will be a piece of cake." I said.

The purple monkeys all get into a fighting stance. It was kinda cute. They all start coming after me. I start tossing the purple monkeys all over the place and more ended up in the river. Some of them got me good but I wasn't backing down.
One of them grabbed my MP3 player and was about to toss it in the river. "Oh hell no!" I yelled. I was not about to let them to toss my MP3 in the river. As he held it in his paws, he was looking through my songs, laughing, and making fun of New Kids and Darren. How the hell does this monkey know New Kids and Darren? Weird. That's it, nobody picks on NKOTB and Darren.

Now I'm pissed. I grabbed that purple monkey bastard, grabbed my MP3 and said "I think that belongs to me. You don't ever talk like that about people I care about. EVER!"

"And just what do you plan on doing about it?" asked the purple monkey.

"This is what I am going to do." Then I kicked him like a football and into the river he went.

The other purple monkeys were starting to really come at me now. Then out of nowhere the purple monkeys started to fall to the ground in pain. Then like out of nowhere, pink ninja monkeys came out. What the fuck! First purple monkeys, then blue and now pink? How come I never knew about them before? Can't complain to much since they are helping me out. I wonder what other color monkeys are out there.
Man these pink ninja monkeys are good. About a min. later the blue monkeys showed up. Haha, now the purple monkeys are in deep trouble. I had to do a little fighting myself this time but that's ok. This time these purple monkeys are going down. I don't want to deal with these purple bastards anymore.

After a good, oh I say 10 min or so, there were purple monkeys all over the ground. They got beaten again but this time they actually put up a good fight. A few of the blue and pink monkeys got injured but not bad.

When everyone was able to catch their breath, I thanked them again for their help.
"So I am assuming that the purple monkeys are mad as hell and are trying to get back at you guys? I asked the blue and pink monkeys.

"Yes. They seriously hate us especially after last time." said a blue monkey.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked a blue monkey "Just how many colored monkeys are there?"

The blue monkey said "There are also green and yellow ones. The yellow monkeys run the jails and the green ones spy on the purple ones so we know what they are up to."

Wow. I was shocked at what I was hearing. "Where did you all come from? I mean all my life I have never heard or seen you guys until two months ago."
"Well, said a pink monkey "we come from another planet called Pudge. The purple monkeys have been wreaking havoc on our planet and we have been trying to stop them. They got a hold of a transporter and accidentally transported to your planet when they were messing around with it. We followed them here to capture them and take them back to our planet so we can lock them up."

"Do you know how they got hold of this transporter?" I asked.

"Nope. We are still working on that. We think there is a trader in one of our groups that leaked the info to them." said a blue monkey.

"Unless there are a couple monkeys hiding really good, we have rounded up all the purple monkeys that came here to Earth and they are now locked up back on our planet. You shouldn't have any more problems with them. There are going to be a few of us staying here to make sure the purple monkeys are gone. We also have the transporter locked safe and sound so no more purple monkeys can come here to earth." said a pink monkey.

We all said our thank yous and goodbyes, then they took off back to their own planet. Wow, who would of thought, a planet that is ran by colored talking monkeys. Kinda cool I guess. Do they worship some kind of monkey God? If a blue and yellow monkey have sex, will their kid come out green (or if any other two different colored monkeys have sex, what color would the baby be)? I know, I have a twisted mind.

I was so worn out by the fight I had with the monkeys that I decided to just turn around and head back home. I am so hoping there are no more purple monkeys around. I don't ever want to see another one again. Even though they are all captured and taken back home, I would still be on the look out for those purple bastards. This time instead of saying no bad monkey, just go ape shit on their ass and kill them. Just make sure they are the purple ones because the others are nice.

Part one: Click Here

Pumpkin The Lucky Kitten

There was a six month old kitten that was black with tan spots. One day a little boy found the kitten and asked his parents if he could kee...